One of the many unique features of Kennebec at LakeTown are the three main cul-de-sacs placed at each end point of the development. These were strategically and purposefully designed to each be a gathering spot for the members of the community. As you know, Kennebec is made up of large lots with custom built, private lake homes. Which is why we knew it was important to incorporate designated spots for public community gatherings. These built-in community amenities are the perfect place to grab a cocktail with your neighbors, hang out by the fire pits, or relax on the benches.
The best part of it all is that these cul-de-sacs will be of absolutely no burden to the property owners, since they will be maintained by the Kennebec home owners association. We encourage you to step out of the house, socialize with your neighbors, host a party or even have a band set up in these special gathering spots- They are made to be a place to find solace and gather with your family, while simultaneously meeting your neighbors and having a great time!